Raffle Rules
1. The cost of each ticket varies based on the quantity purchased. You may purchase more than one ticket.
2. The cost of a Golden Ticket entry into the raffle is an additional $20.00. Must have an event ticket to purchase a golden ticket. Purchase of Golden Ticket assures entry into $1,000 drawing.
3. Payment to enter the raffle must be made in advance of the draw date (22nd October 2020). Any payment received after the draw date will be treated as a donation.
4. Tickets may be bought online. You will receive an email confirmation of receipt of payment.
5. Winners of prizes will be notified by email.
6. Monies raised by this raffle will support the work of Excelsior Springs Health Care Foundation.
7. The prize will be allocated in order of the tickets being drawn.
8. The result of the raffle draw is final. No correspondence will be entered into.
9. All winners are required to co-operate with the Excelsior Springs Health Care Foundation’s right to publish their win or participation as and where deemed appropriate, and to provide proof of age when requested.
10. Failure to comply with any of these rules may result in the disqualification of the entry. Excelsior Springs Health Care Foundation reserves the right to disqualify any entry at their absolute discretion.
If for any reason you wish to make a complaint or dispute, please contact info@esmc.org and put in subject line ‘COMPLAINT’.