Psychiatric Services

Outpatient (Clinic) Services provided:
Monday through Friday (extended hours as needed) by Psychiatric providers and/or Counselors/Therapists
- Any/All Age Groups
- Any/All Psychiatric Diagnoses (Mental Illness), including Substance Use
- Internal Referrals from Primary Care Physicians/ Practitioners from their Outpatient Clinics, Express Care, Pediatricians, and any other Specialist Providers within Excelsior Springs Hospital
- External Referrals include Community Outreach (Schools, Courts, Churches, Job Corps, etc.)
- Comprehensive Biopsychosocial Evaluations and Treatment Plans, with or without medications
- Trauma-informed, Recovery-focused treatments
- Psychotherapy/Counseling (Individual, Marital, and Family)
- Collaborative Care Coordination within hospital providers, and from Community Outreach

Our Psychiatric Team:
- Care Coordinators (Administrative, Nursing, and Psychosocial) assisting patients/families by coordinating their mental healthcare needs and being their Advocate and Liaison; in addition to collaborating with other Specialties/Providers within the hospital, and the whole Community at large
- Counselors/Therapists who are licensed and trained in Trauma-informed, Recovery-focused, Client-centered care, providing Individual and Marital/Family Therapy
- Psychiatric Providers (Nurse Practitioners) who are licensed, specialized, and trained in Comprehensive Biopsychosocial Assessments and Treatment Plans, able to treat patients within all age groups (Children to the Elderly), and patients with any/all diagnoses like Autism, Attention Deficit, Anxiety, Depressive, Bipolar, Post-traumatic Stress, Psychotic, and/or Substance Use Disorders, in addition to patients with Severe Mental Illness
- Practice/Program Manager trained in ensuring efficient workflows without compromising healthcare Quality
- Psychiatrist/Medical Director supervising, collaborating, overseeing, and leading the Psychiatric Department
- 1700 Rainbow Boulevard, Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
- 816-629-3551
- 816-629-2701