HealtheLife Portal
33rd Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Excelsior Springs Golf Course
1201 E. Golf Hill Drive
Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
Registration 8:00 AM
Shotgun Start 9:00 AM
Listing in the golf program
Cart Signage
Entry for 1 golfer
Listing in the golf program
Cart signage
Entry for 1 golfer
Listing in the golf program
Hole signage
Entry for 1 golfer
Listing in the golf program
Hole signage
Entry for 1 team
Listing in the golf program
Hole & cart signage
Entry for 1 team
1/4 page ad in the golf program
Hole & cart signage
Sponsorship logo on ESH social media outlets
Entry for 2 teams
1/2 page ad in the golf program
Hole & Cart signage
Sponsorship logo on ESH social media outlets
Entry for 3 teams
Golf Ball Drop Sponsor(s)
Full-page ad in the golf program
Hole & cart signage
Company video on ESH social media outlets
Article in the ESH Vision Newsletter
Platinum Sponsor
Excelsior Springs Medical StaffÂ
Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsors
Hole Sponsors
Beverage Cart