- Outpatient Nutrition Counseling services became available with the hiring of Dietitian Kate Casey
- ESH Clinical and Community Education Coordinator Tina Cook gave a presentation at the Community Center regarding our swing bed program
- Started the year with high COVID numbers and record breaking testing

- Conducted a mock Code Blue Drill to allow staff to practice with new resources – LUCAS, an automated chest compressor and LifePak, an upgraded defibrillator
- Dr. Hamilton gave a presentation at the Community Center regarding advancements in Pain Management
- Hospital celebrated American Heart Month by participating in Red Wear Day
- Sent Valentines to the residents at Valley Manor and Rehab
- Hospital welcomes new board members

- Hospital is awarded the 2022 Outstanding Partner in Prevention award from the Northland Coalition
- Dr. Gary Cornette, D.O. begins giving Gastroenterology services through the Outpatient Clinic
- Patient and Family Advisory Committee formed

- Hospital supports the Parks and Recreation Foundation’s Piccadilly Gala, Good Samaritan Center’s 5k Walk/Run, ES Chamber’s Annual Dinner, and Fence Stile Vineyard and Winery’s 5k
- Excelsior Springs Knights of Columbus Council #6215 donates teddy bears to the Emergency Department to bring little patients comfort
- Attended the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast at the Elms Hotel & Spa
- Hosted Thrive Excelsior’s Citizen Leadership Academy introducing them to the hospital’s services and future plans
- Hospital holds first Community Health Fair at the ES Community Center

- National Hospital Week allowed us to recognize our healthcare workers with service awards
- Sponsored the Lawson Chamber Annual Dinner
- Celebrated the 500th da Vinci robotic surgery with Dr. Douglas Nespory
- City of Excelsior Springs recognizes National Hospital Week during council meeting
- Hospital recognizes EMS Week by treating local responders to cookies with thanks

- ES Health Care Foundation holds 30th Annual Golf Tournament at ES Golf Course with 96 players
- Hospital holds Youth Mental Health First Aid class
- ESH Community Pharmacy gives presentation at the Senior Center
- Hospital provides free historic trolley tours during Waterfest
- Dr. Aberger gave a presentation on Urinary Health at the ES Community Center
- Ethan Kent, director for the Senior Life Solutions gives presentation to the resident at the Colony Plaza on Mindfulness
- Dietitian Kate Casey gives presentation regarding exploring healthy beverages

- Kearney Kut Ups donate handmade bags to go over walkers of rehabilitation/therapy patients
- Collette Culver, Director of Emergency Preparedness gave a presentation regarding Heat Safety in Older Adults to the Senior Center at the ES Community Center
- Lawson Primary Clinic physicians participate in the Lawson Middle and High School Sports Clinic
- Hospital was recognized by the Missouri Employer Support for Guard and Reserve (ESGR) with a Freedom Award from the Secretary of Defense Employer Support

- Hospital welcomes Dr. Roshan Dasari, MD, MPH to build a Behavioral Health team
- Director of Rehabilitation Christy Marker gave a presentation to seniors at the Community Center regarding Mobility Aids: Types, Benefits and Use
- The hospital holds a full schedule of donors during a Blood Drive in partnership with the Community Blood Center
- The hospital’s revenue department gave a presentation of Understanding Benefits and Financial Support at the Community Center
- Hospital receives $350,000 grant from Clay County Children’s Services Fund to hire Behavioral Health physicians to address needs of the youth

- Excelsior Springs Primary Care welcomes Dr. Heather Wilson, D.O. and Dr. Gartin, D.O. to the clinic
- Director of Emergency Preparedness Collette Culver, RN, BSN, conducted an Active Intruder/Hostage Tabletop Exercise bringing together all emergency responders and leaders throughout the community to discuss each other’s roles when there’s a local emergency
- The Hospital’s Senior Life Solutions organizes a Suicide Awareness Walk in recognition of National Suicide Prevention Month
- The Hospital holds a Listening Session at the Community Center regarding service needs
- Hospital gives a presentation regarding medication disposal at the Community Center

- Dr. Josh Umscheid begins offering Pediatric Care, Pediatric Orthopedic Care, and Sports Medicine through the Outpatient Clinic
- Staff from the Lawson Primary Care Clinic participate in the Lawson Homecoming Parade
- Hospital holds annual fundraiser for the Pink Ribbon Fund, which helps provide mammograms to women and men who are unable due to financial obligations
- Lawson Primary Care offers drive through flu vaccine clinic
- The hospital begins Resource Sharing at the Good Samaritan Center, which offers a financial counselor or hospital staff offering resources as needed
- Tiffany Danneman, Social Services, and Ethan Kent, Senior Life Solutions participate in the Clay County Senior Resource Fair in Kansas City
- Hospital celebrates National Pharmacy Week
- The Excelsior Springs Health Care Foundation holds Annual Gala and the Elms Hotel and Spa

- Home Health and Hospice and Senior Life Solutions participate in the annual Senior Fair at the Good Samaritan Center
- ES SAFE and Clay County Health Department presented the Great American Smoke Out at the Good Samaritan Center
- Hospital holds a Food, Hygiene, and Cold Weather Drive for local pantries
- Excelsior Springs Hospital’s Dietitian Maura Woolsey gave a presentation at the Community Center in regard to diabetes for World Diabetes Day
- ES Hospice begins a new Hospice Volunteer Program
- Hospital partners with Tri-County Mental Health to offer “Tiger Tunes” sound therapy to area youth at the Community Center

- Rehabilitation Therapists attend Essential Assessment and Treatment Strategies for Pediatric Orthopedic Dysfunction
- Ethan Kent, Director of Senior Life Solutions, gives a presentation titled “Beat the Winter Blues” at the Senior Center
- Hospice Volunteers organize and deliver Holiday Blessing Bags for Hospice patients and families
- In partnership with the Community Blood Center the hospital hosts a Blood Drive
- Behavioral Health/Psychiatric Services is fully staffed